Hi,  I am Sophia Krayc, a graphic designer based in Leipzig, Germany.
      You can find me most of the time in my studio in Täubchenweg 79, 04317 Leipzig which I share with other lovely creatives.
      For work requests or collaborations, get in touch with me via Mail at hello(at)sophiakrayc.com
      Or follow and connect with me on Instagram.
I am also a part of FLINT*ype, a project run together with Lilot Kammermeier, Coco Lobinger and Hannah Witte. 

Selected Clients Tanzraumberlin Magazin, Fachgesellschaft Gender Studies, Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst, Kunstuniversität Linz, Museum für Sepulkralkultur Kassel, Burg Giebichenstein, Fernuniversität Hagen, Kunstverein 47m Leipzig, Fotomuseum Winterthur, TH Köln

Publications, Awards 
03/2025 Walter Tiemann Prize, Honorary award, for „Katalog der Zukünfte“
01/2024 Slanted Website, FLINT*ype, Article
11/2023 Feature of the project „Katalog der Zukünfte“ in Slanted #42–Books
07/2023 100 beste Plakate 2022
06/2023 Visible Design Space, FLINT*ype, Article
05/2023 Nomination at the German Design Award in the category „Newcomer“
04/2023 It´s a book 2023, Student competition
02/2023 Collide24, FLINT*ype, Article